Total 47Articles, Present Page 1/5
47Regulation on Recognition of Functional Ingredient and of Standard·Specification for Health Functional Foods (No. 2021-66)Regulation on Recognition of Functional Ingredient and of Standard·Specification for Health Functional Foods (No.2021-66) 건강기능식품 기능성 원료 및 기준·규격 인정에 관한 규정 (식품의약품안전처고시 제2021-66호) [Note] This announcement by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety aims to help you understand the regula...
Regulation on Recognition of Functional Ingredient and of Standard·Specification for Health Functional Foods (No.2021-66).pdf
2025-01-23 -
46Standards for Recognition of Temporary Standards and Specifications for Foods (No. 2024-13)Standards for Recognition of Temporary Standards and Specifications for Foods (No. 2024-13) 식품등의 한시적 기준 및 규격 인정 기준 (식약처 고시 제2024-13호) [Note] This announcement by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety aims to help you understand the regulations of the Republic of Korea, but it is for information...
Standards for Recognition of Temporary Standards and Specifications for Foods (No. 2024-13).pdf
2024-08-23 -
45ENFORCEMENT DECREE OF THE FOOD SANITATION ACTENFORCEMENT DECREE OF THE FOOD SANITATION ACT [Enforcement Date 25. Jul, 2023.] [Presidential Decree No.33647, 25. Jul, 2023., Partial Amendment]
2024-04-11 -
44FOOD SANITATION ACTFOOD SANITATION ACT [Enforcement Date 11. Dec, 2022.] [Act No.18967, 10. Jun, 2022., Partial Amendment]
2024-04-11 -
43Labeling Standards of Foods, Etc (No. 2022-66)Labeling Standards of Foods, Etc (No. 2022-66) 식품등의 표시기준(식품의약품안전처고시)(제2022-66호) Note: MFDS offers the English version as a service to an international audience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcemen...
Labeling Standards of Foods, Etc (No. 2022-66).pdf
2024-03-18 -
42Standard of Unfair Labeling or Advertising Content of Foods (No. 2021-89)Standard of Unfair Labeling or Advertising Content of Foods (No. 2021-89) 식품등의 부당한 표시 또는 광고의 내용 기준(식품의약품안전처고시)(제2021-89호) Note: MFDS offers the English version as a service to an international audience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal...
Standard of Unfair Labeling or Advertising Content of Foods (No. 2021-89).pdf
2024-03-05 -
41Registration and Control Standards of Good Importers (No. 2022-92)Registration and Control Standards of Good Importers (No. 2022-92) 우수수입업소 등록 및 관리 기준(식품의약품안전처고시)(제2022-92호) Note: MFDS offers the English version as a service to an international audience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for co...
Registration and Control Standards of Good Importers (No. 2022-92).pdf
2024-03-05 -
40Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control (No. 1800)Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control (No. 1800) 수입식품안전관리특별법 시행규칙(총리령)(제1800호) Note: MFDS offers the English version as a service to an international audience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for c...
Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Control (No. 1800).pdf
2024-03-05 -
39Enforcement Rule of the Food Sanitation Act (No. 1813)Enforcement Rule of the Food Sanitation Act (No. 1813) 식품위생법 시행규칙(총리령)(제01813호) Note: MFDS offers the English version as a service to an international audience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purp...
Enforcement Rule of the Food Sanitation Act (No. 1813).pdf
2024-03-05 -
38Enforcement Rule of the Act on Labeling and Advertising of Foods (No. 1813)Enforcement Rule of the Act on Labeling and Advertising of Foods (No. 1813) 식품 등의 표시ㆍ광고에 관한 법률 시행규칙(총리령)(제01813호) Note: MFDS offers the English version as a service to an international audience. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect ...
Enforcement Rule of the Act on Labeling and Advertising of Foods (No. 1813).pdf
2024-03-05 -